THC Edible review: Ayo 20 MG Blue Raspberry Cannabis Chews
A fantastic edible experience – never too strong, and not even remotely weak

Can it be that Cannabinthusiast has been around for a whole year and this is our first real edible review? As medical edibles are getting their first major release in Louisiana, that’s the way it crumbles, cookie-wise. (Hopefully cookies are not too far away…) The wheels of business and bureaucracy move slowly, but better late than never.
So, I always worry about the strength of any given edible, given what I’ve seen other folks go through. Personally, edibles have mostly always been good to me, and I struggle to think of a specifically terrible edible experience. Still, as a reviewer and just to err on the side of caution, I decided my first experiences with this new offering would be best if I split one of these 20 MG gummies in half. These little blue cane sugar-coated gelatinous cubes sliced easily and I popped a half in my mouth before a screening of “Avatar: The Way of Water.”
There are, I suppose, two ways to ingest a gummy edible. The first is to simply chew it up and swallow. The second, and my preferred method, is to let it slowly dissolve in your mouth. To me, this hits quicker, as it seeps into the lining of your cheeks and tongue. Indeed, I started feeling high very quickly, and within a half hour I was pretty stoned. I have no idea whether these are indica or sativa, but I’d guess it’s some sort of hybrid. My kid picked me up and he drove us to the theatre, and I began to notice how high I was when I was unable to generate much in the way of conversation. Once the movie started, on an enormous screen, in 3D and in High Frame Rate, I was totally immersed in the film. A screening like that is almost already a druggy experience, so it’s difficult to say much more. Once the movie ended over three hours later, I felt relatively sober.
A week or so later I decided to eat the other half of that edible, once again by letting it dissolve. Now here’s where things get interesting. The nub of it seemed like it refused to dissolve, so finally I just swallowed it, as the high took over. I went on a walk and some indicaness set in, and it was a real struggle to finish an hour on foot. By the time I got home I was feeling considerably less stoned, which was odd, as I didn’t feel I’d really got the most out of 10 MG. I roasted a chicken, which takes a couple hours and had dinner and then, suddenly, I realized I was stoned again: That nub that I’d swallowed had to have been the culprit. This is one of those edible experiences one hears about but rarely seems to happen.
Finally, one cold, wet afternoon, stuck inside the house with little do but think about dinner and the pot roast I had to shortly get started on, I decided to go for the full 20 MG gummy experience, again letting it slowly dissolve in my mouth. This was around 1 PM. It irritated my throat a bit – it had a fiery sort of sting as it dissolved. I had an hour to burn before starting the roast, so I spun Mike Oldfield’s “Tubular Bells” on the turntable, which is a great record to get progressively stoned to. “Tubular Bells” is also known as “the music from ‘The Exorcist,’” but that only takes up the first few minutes of Side One. There is so much more to this album than just scary movie music. It’s quite the journey to go on, and getting stoned and taking it is ideal. It took close to an hour to start feeling the effects proper, and at one point I looked over at my cat and he was giving me that look that a cat only ever seems to have when you are unusually high; it’s almost as though he’s preparing to speak. If you have reached the point where your cat is talking to you, you know you’ve arrived somewhere special.
For the next three or four hours I was deeply yet pleasantly stoned – comfortable and at peace. I played records and found myself connecting to the new First Aid Kit, “Palomino,” which I’d already listened to and enjoyed several times, but the edible notched it up another level or two. The tune “Angel” in particular grabbed and moved me hard. I truly had not heard the album like that before. The pot roast was easily prepared, though my mind raced trying to sketch out how to make a theoretical “pot” roast. No matter how stoned I felt, I was easily able to do anything that needed doing around the house, including having sporadic conversation with Mrs. Fareye. It was a fantastic edible experience – never too strong, and not even remotely weak. The day prior my body had felt creaky and achy due to the cold weather, but the edible seemed to take care of that, and I felt friggin’ wonderful all day long.
Here’s the most noteworthy part: I did not really come down and start to feel sober until about 11 PM. I am still amazed that one 20 MG edible could possibly last for nearly 10 hours, and yet I swear that was the case. Granted the second half of “the trip” was not as strong, yet I was still undeniably high for close to 10 hours. There was little in my “halved” experiences with this gummy that led me to expect that, but perhaps the time I thought I’d sobered up but then realized I was high again was a sign of things to come. In hindsight, I wish I’d skipped the splitting up of the first gummy and just used it as directed. As far as Cannabinthusiast reviews go (and we do have more edible reviews coming up soon), I’ll not make that mistake in future. This is an easy recommendation for folks who are into edibles or even for folks who maybe haven’t tried edibles before. If you’ve got any kind of body pain in particular, this may be something you want to try out.
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