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Tetrahydrocannabihexol (THCH or THC-H) is a recently discovered cannabinoid in cannabis sativa, identified by Italian chemists in 2020. It was isolated from the FM2 hemp plant and is found in very small concentrations. THCH is known to interact with the brain’s CB1 receptors more intensely than delta 9 THC, resulting in a much stronger high. Users have reported a psychoactive, full-bodied euphoria different from other cannabinoids. However, THCH is only present in certain strains and is scarce for mass distribution. Most THCH products on the market are synthesized concentrates made with high amounts of delta 8-THC (Δ8-THCH).

THC-H, also known as THCH or Tetrahydrocannabihexol, is a recently discovered cannabinoid found in cannabis sativa by Italian chemists in 2020. Its existence was unknown until it was isolated in very small concentrations from the FM2 hemp plant during their research. THCH has a much more potent impact on the brain’s CB1 receptors, leading to a significantly intense high compared to delta 9 THC. Users have described it as highly psychoactive, inducing a distinct full-bodied euphoria not typical of other cannabinoids. However, THCH is only present in specific strains and remains scarce for mass distribution. Most THCH products available are synthesized concentrates, primarily made using high amounts of delta 8-THC (Δ8-THCH), which shares some similarities with THCH in terms of its intoxicating effects.

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