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U.S. Hemp

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In 2018, the United States officially designated hemp as a federally legal and regulated commodity. This enabled authorized hemp farmers to engage in hemp production across the country for various purposes, including food products, health items, fabrics, ropes, and more. The creative possibilities for this plant are vast.

U.S. Hemp, also known as industrial hemp, is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant. It is required to contain only 0.03 percent or less THC by dry weight. Traditionally, hemp was cultivated in the U.S. for industrial uses like textiles, paper, and building materials. However, its cultivation was banned under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, despite its low THC content.

The tide turned in 2018 when the Agricultural Improvement Act, or Farm Bill, removed hemp from the list of controlled substances, legalizing its cultivation and sale. This led to a resurgence in the U.S. hemp industry, with farmers and businesses now able to legally grow and sell hemp and hemp-derived products, including CBD oil. However, certain regulations and restrictions still apply, varying from state to state. Moreover, hemp’s medical and recreational use remains heavily restricted or illegal in many parts of the country.

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