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o Anthocyanin, pronounced as “an-tho-sigh-a-nin,” refers to plant compounds responsible for the vibrant color pigments found in various plants. Belonging to the flavonoid group, these compounds are present in plants, vegetables, fruits, teas, nuts, and even cannabis plants. Acting as antioxidants, anthocyanins contribute to the overall health of plants, offering protection against ultraviolet light and other environmental stressors.

o In plants, anthocyanins can be identified by the colors they produce. Examples of fruits and vegetables containing anthocyanins include blueberries, red cabbage, purple cauliflower, purple carrots, eggplant, red onions, and plums. Scientific studies have revealed that anthocyanins have far-reaching effects through their metabolites. Notably, they have shown potential in reducing inflammation and lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancers, and diabetes.

o Furthermore, research suggests that anthocyanins also have positive effects on human well-being. They have been associated with mood enhancement, improved focus, and memory benefits for individuals of all ages.

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