Medical Marijuana review: OG Pop Tartz
Deeply lost in my own thoughts, I even managed to amuse myself to the point of audible laughter

The first time I tried OG Pop Tartz I wasn’t impressed at all – a seemingly instantly forgettable strain. The second time was a much different experience, but it took me two full DynaVap capfuls to get what I considered the full effect. It was a glorious day for walking – truly. Overcast, with the sun only peeking out from time to time in short bursts. Temps hovering just below 70. A light breeze perhaps mostly noticeable to someone baked on a new strain. It was an ideal day to try out OG Pop Tartz along with headphones full of some of my favorite 80s tunes.
Once I hit the second capful I knew I was in for a bit of ride, which for some folks may actually be a caution, because this strain really took over. I felt pretty bouncy bopping down the sidewalk, my head and body equally affected by the Pop Tartz. Deeply lost in my own thoughts, I even managed to amuse myself to the point of audible laughter, which is not something I often do. Nena’s “99 Luftballoons,” The Motels’ “Only the Lonely,” and Kate’s now seemingly iconic “Running Up That Hill” were a few of the standout tunes guiding my way, amplified by the cannabis into life-changing high art.
Mostly though, I will mark OG Pop Tartz for inspiring me to come up with my very own Conspiracy Theory, which should be taken about as seriously as most any other conspiracy theory, which is to say, “not at all.” In recent years I’ve become a bit of a vinyl collector, yet would hardly refer to myself as any kind of expert on the subject. Vinyl as a format just got better and better with age, peaking in the 60s and 70s – some of the best vinyl records I have come from that 20-year span. But something happened in the early 80s, when suddenly and frequently the quality of many pressings seems to plummet. Far too many records suddenly have this thin, tinny sound that is not as aurally rich as vinyl should be. It’s noticeable enough to my ear that I’ve become wary of buying used LPs pressed during that decade, which is a huge shame as the 80s were my formative years. Much of my favorite music was made during that time period.
So, here’s the Theory my OG Pop Tartz-addled brain posited: The record companies were finding brand new ways to make money buy reselling people their favorite tunes on cassette and even more importantly compact disc, which began hitting markets in late 1982 – what if those greedy conglomerates intentionally began pressing poor vinyl so it would sound bad compared to the shiny new compact disc? “Just listen to the difference!” And we all bought into it, quite literally (I still have hundreds of CDs).
Truth be told, I love both formats and they each have their plusses and minuses, but some of my favorite listening experiences these days are of vinyl from days before I was born (or not long after) – from before those record execs got greedy. I mean, is it really that far-fetched of an idea? Music biz types have long generated brands of untrustworthiness that American politicians probably took notes on.
OG Pop Tartz from Good Day Farm boasts a whopping 26.02% THC level. It is a Hybrid cannabis strain leaning toward Indica, and despite the enormous lift it gave me, I did indeed experience quite the chill comedown. Terpene info was unavailable.
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